This is our links page where we will include other websites we think you could find interestingPrecision made woodturning tools
For an excellent range of top quality power tools and woodturning equipment
For all your finishing requirements
Andrew Hall, the Hat man
Woodturning tools, jigs and accessories
Useful and interesting woodturning jigs and things
Phil Irons has a stock of useful resources for woodturners.
www.philironswoodturning.co.uk If you require small or large machinery for woodworking, joinery or woodturning etc. and a good choice in accessories. I find this the best place around for their knowledge of both new and secondhand machinery. If they don't have it in stock they will get it. Contact Chris and his staff. www.kraftkabin.co.uk Specialists in the supply of Quality Tools and Equipment for Woodturning, Woodcarving and Woodworking: www.toolpost.co.uk Specialised craft tools and equipment WoodTurning Clubs
Here is one of the woodturning clubs that I am a member of:-
updated 3/11/16 |